The Purpose Of The Spacer Bar in Double Glazing
A spacer bar is used to separate the panes of glass forming a cavity width that offers thermal insulation. The spacer bar also holds the desiccant, and the small holes in its surface allow the desiccant to adsorb water vapour from within the sealed cavity.
Spacer bars are constructed into a frame that is smaller than the glass to allow the sealant to be applied flush to the edge of the glass. Spacer bars can be cut to size using saws and then connected using corner keys that are inserted into the tube endings and cannot be seen.
Warm edge spacer tube
Warm edge is so called as it insulates the edge of the sealed unit where most heat is lost. Often referred to as a ‘thermal break’, it slows the heat loss across the edge seal/spacer matrix and therefore improves insulation. Warm edge lowers the U-values of windows and is beginning to be specified as standard for many applications because of this improved insulation.
Please note that due to the rigid polymer construction of our warm edge choice, we cannot bend it to form a curve for units such as arches etc. Here, we would use matching aluminium spacer that can be bent to shape. This still meets building regulation criteria, as u-value requirements are still met.
Aluminium spacer tube
Aluminium has been used ever since double glazing became popular. This is because it is lightweight, structurally strong and being one of the most abundant metals on earth, it is very cheap. It is also one of the worst products to use as aluminium is a highly conductive metal and conducts heat at the edge of the sealed unit, reducing the insulation effect of double glazing.
In compliance with building regulations, all of our double-glazed units now feature energy-efficient warm edge spacer bars as standard.
Colour match
Silver aluminium is replaced with grey warm edge spacer bar
Brown and black aluminium is replaced with black warm edge spacer bar
Gold aluminium has no colour match – You would need to choose from black, grey or white warm edge spacer bar
White aluminium is replaced with white warm edge spacer bar
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